Dept. of Mathematics

        Prof. M. S. Hunashyal

               M. Sc. B. Ed 


       Contact: 8951461282

 Miss. Priyanka Madarakal

               M. Sc. B. Ed 


       Contact: 8884742561

  • Department of Mathematics was established in the Year of 2018.
  • Prof: M.S.HUNASHYAL is Head of the Department.
  • Prof: P.S.MADARAKAL was appointed as Lecturer.


Enrich the knowledge of Mathematics in Higher Education.


Imparting of Quality mathematics education and the inculcating of the spirit of research through innovative teaching and research methodologies.


1.To provide the in-depth knowledge about trigonometry , geometry, calculus.

2.To train the students to acquire analytical, logical thinking and draw the inference on the available situations.

3.To impart practical knowledge through application software and field work.

4.To develop Problem Solving Skills by Mathematical Methods.

5.To impart quality education in the field of Mathematics to make our students to growth.

6.To encourage students to participate in seminars, discussions & workshops on     contemporary issues.       




No. of  Years of Experience



M.Sc. B. Ed

Head of the Department

5 Year



M.Sc. B. Ed


4 Year


  • Under the initiative of IQAC, The department of Mathematics has celebrated “National Mathematics day on 22 December 2018 organized by the department of Mathematics. Principal Dr. M. S. Patil was Presided over the function.
  • Under the initiative of IQAC, The department of Mathematics has celebrated “National Mathematics day on 30 December 2019 organized by the department of Mathematics. Shri R.G. Kittur Assistant BEO was the chief guest and Principal Dr. M.S .Patil was Presided over the function. And Shree V.C. Hiremath Chairman of our college gave Inaugural speech.
  • The department has organized the e -quiz on “Basics of Mathematics” on the June 06, 2020.
  • “National Mathematics day was celebrated on 22nd December 2020. Prof.R.V.Jalawadi, Head dept. of Commerce was the chief guest and Principal Dr. M.S. Patil was Presided over the function.
  • The department had organized the National level Webinar on “Semi Numerical methods of class of boundary value Problems” on June 05th Dr.V.B.Awati, Chairman, P.G. Dept. of Mathematics RCU Belagavi, was the Resource person on this occasion. Prof. R.V. Jalawadi Principal gave Presidential remark.

Program Outcome: 



PO1: Understand of Fundamental Knowledge 

Definition, Concept, Principles,Types,Methods etc

PO2: Experimental Learning Methods 

 Sectioning, Mounting, Instruments Handlings,
 Demonstrations, Analysis

PO3: Opportunities 

Higher Educations ,Competitive exams, Self Business and job Carrier. 


Program Specific Outcome:



PSO1: Acquiring basic knowledge.

Definition, Concept, Types, Principles, Functions.

PSO2: Formulation of Equations

Aim and goal of the system.

PSO3: Enhance Skills

Brain teasers, Fish bone activity

PSO4: Approach of Scientific temper.

Applications of logic, Working mechanism of  Mathematical instruments.

PSO5: Development of Designing skills.

Flow charts, Diagrams, Models and graphs.

PSO6: Beauty of Mathematics in nature.

Fibonacci Series.

PSO7: Research Methodology in Mathematics 

Reliability and validity of research within the field of mathematics education.

PSO8: Building Applied Skills in Environmental        Skills.

Building of Dams and Roads, Forest Management.

PSO9: Mathematics is the Candle of all                                               Creations.

Be it a cook or a Farmer, a Carpenter or a mechanic, a shopkeeper or a Doctor, an Engineer or a Scientists, a musician or a magician, everyone needs mathematics in there day today life.

PSO10: Self Employment.

Vedic maths, Reasoning, short tricks for competitive exam, Quantitative aptitude.



          B.Sc I Semester , Paper-I (Differential Calculus)

CO1-Student will learn concept of Real numbers.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge about limits and continuity.

CO3-Students will get the knowledge of Higher order Derivatives.

CO4-Students will learn and understand Mean Value Theorems.

CO5-They will understand about Indeterminate Forms.

          B.Sc I Semester , Paper-II (Algebra and Trigonometry)

CO1-Students will learn about the Determinants.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge abouts the Matrices.

CO3-Students will learn about the process of Set Theory.

CO4-Students will learn about the Theory of Equations.

CO5-They will learn the structure and function of Trigonometry Functions.

           B.Sc II Semester, Paper-I (Differential and Integral Calculus)

CO1-Students will learn concept of Angle between Radius vector and Tangent, Polar and Pedal equations.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge about Derivative of arc length, Curvature, Radius of curvature.

CO3-Students will get the knowledge of Limits and continuity of functions of two variables.

CO4-Students will learn and understand Concavity and convexity and point of Inflexion.

CO5-They will understand about Reduction formulae.

        B.Sc II Semester, Paper-II (Algebra and Geometry)

CO1-Student will learn about the Boolean Algebra.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge about the Number theory.

CO3-Students will learn about the process of Sphere.

CO4-Students will learn about the Cone.

CO5-They will learn the structure of Cylinder.


     B.Sc III Semester, Paper-I (Mathematical Logic and Real Analysis)

CO1-Student will learn concept of Mathematical logic.

CO2-Students will gain knowledge about Jacobians and mean value theorems.

CO3-Students will gain the knowledge of Maxima and Minima of two and three  variables.

CO4-Students will learn and understand limit of a sequence , Bounded and unbounded sequence.

CO5-They will understand about criterion for convergence of Sequence.

       B.Sc III Semester,Paper-II 

     (Group theory, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations)

CO1-Students will learn about the Meaning of Group, its types and properties of Group.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge about the cyclic group, cosets.

CO3-Students will learn about the process Applications of Definite Integrals.

CO4-Students will learn about the First order first degree equation and its types.

CO5-They will learn the first order higher degree differential equation.

     B.Sc IV Semester, Paper-I (Vector calculus and infinite series)

CO1-Students will learn concept of Dot and cross product.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge about the differential operators.

CO3-Students will get the knoeledge of infinite series and its convergent, divergent and oscillatory series.

CO4-Students will learn and understand Different types of Tests for Convergent, Divergent and Oscillatory series.

CO5-They will understand about Different types of convergence.



B.Sc IV Semester, Paper-II 

(Group theory, Fourier Series and Differential Equations)

CO1-Students will learn about the Meaning of Normal Subgroup, Homomorphism and Isomorphism.

CO2-Students will learn knowledge about the Fourier Series.

CO3-Students will learn about the Fourier Transforms.

CO4-Students will learn about the Linear differential Equations of nth Order with constants coefficients.

CO5-They will learn the Homogeneous linear differential equation of nth order.


B.Sc V Semester, Paper-I (Real Analysis)

CO1-Students will Study the Riemann Integration. 

CO2-Student will gain Knowledge about Mean Value Theorems in Riemann Integration. 

CO3-Student will Learn about the “Methods of Improper Integrals.

CO4-Students will learn about the Beta and Gamma Function.

CO5-They will learn the Multiple Integrals.


B.Sc V Semester, Paper-II (Numerical Analysis)

CO1-Students will Study about solutions of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations.

CO2-Student will get the Knowledge about Finite Differences.

CO3-Student will Learn about the Numerical Differentiation.

CO4-Students will learn about the Solutions of Initial Value Problems.

CO5-They will learn the Difference Equations.


B.Sc V Semester, Paper-III (Dynamics and Calculus of Variations)

CO1-Students will Study about the Kinematics.

CO2-Student will get the Knowledge about the Central Orbits.

CO3-Student will Learn about the Motion of Projectile.

CO4-Students will learn about the Calculus of Variations.

CO5-They will learn the Geodesic on a plane, on a sphere.


B.Sc VI Semester, Paper-I (Differential Equations)

CO1-Students will get the knowledge of Differential Equations.

CO2-Student will gain the Knowledge on Series of solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations.

CO3-Student will understand the Legendre Equations and Functions

CO4-Students will learn about the Partial Differential Equations of First Order.

CO5-They will learn the Non linear differential equations.


B.Sc VI Semester, Paper-II (Complex Analysis and Ring Theory)

CO1-Students will Study the Basic Knowledge of Complex Analysis.

CO2-Student will get the Knowledge of Complex Integration.

CO3-Student will understand the Tayler’s and Laurent’s Series. 

CO4-Students will learn about the Residue Theorems.

CO5-They will learn about the Rings and Integral Domains.


B.Sc VI Semester, Paper-III (Topology and Laplace Transforms)

CO1-Students will understand the Basic Knowledge of Topology.

CO2-Student will get the Knowledge of Base and Sub Base.

CO3-Student will understand the Basic Knowledge of Laplace Transforms.

CO4-Students will learn about the Laplace transforms of Periodic Functions.

CO5-They will learn about the Heabiside functions and Convolutions Theorems. 

CBCS Syllabus

B.Sc I Semester, Paper (Algebra-I and Calculus-I)

CO1-Students will learn about the Matrices and Determinants.

CO2-Student will learn Concept of Real Numbers.

CO3-Student will gain the knowledge about Limits and Continuity.

CO4-Students will understand about the Indertminants Forms.

CO5-Students will learn about the Higher order Derivatives.

CO6- Students will learn and understand the Mean Value Theorems.


B.Sc I Semester, Paper (Algebra-I and Calculus-I)

PCO1-Students will gain the knowledge about the operations of Matrices with Programmes. 

PCO2-Student will understand the concepts of Trance and Transpose of Matrices with programmes.

PCO3-Student will gain the knowledge about Solutions of system of Homogeneous Equations.


B.Sc II Semester, Practical Paper

CO1-Students will learn Concept of Angle between Radius Vector and Tangent, Polar and Pedal Equations.

CO2-Student will learn knowledge about the Derivative of Arc length, Curvature and Radius of Curvature.  

CO3-Student will get the knowledge of Limits and Continuity of Functions of Two Variables.

CO4-Students will understand about the Reduction Formulae.

CO5-They will learn about the Sphere, Cone and Cylinder.



B.Sc II Semester, Practical Paper

PCO1-Students will gain the knowledge about Sequence of odd numbers, even Numbers and Prime numbers with programmes.

PCO2-Student will understand the concepts of the Tracing of Curves with Programmes.

PCO3-Student will gain the knowledge about Tracing of Curves in 3-D. 


NEP Mathematics Syllabus

              B.Sc I Semester , Paper-I (Algebra – I and Calculus – I)

This course will enable the students to

  • Learn to solve system of linear equations.
  • Solve the system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear of m

equations in n variables by using concept of rank of matrix, finding

eigen values and eigen vectors.

  • Sketch curves in Cartesian, polar and pedal equations
  • Students will be familiar with the techniques of integration and

differentiation of function with real variables.

  • Identify and apply the intermediate value theorems and L’ Hospital


 Practical’s on Algebra – I and Calculus – I

This course will enable the students to

  • Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer


  • Solve problem on algebra and calculus theory studied in MATDSCT 1.1  by using FOSS software.


  • Acquire knowledge of applications of algebra and calculus through FOSS

Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab (FOSS).


Suggested Software’s: Maxima /Scilab /Maple /MatLab /Mathematica /Phython /R.


OE Mathematics Syllabus:

This course will enable the students to

  • Learn to solve system of linear equations.
  • Solve the system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous m linear

equations by using the concept of rank of matrix, finding eigen values

and eigen vectors.

  • Students will be familiar with the techniques of differentiation of

function with real variables.

  • Identify and apply the intermediate value theorems and L’ Hospital


  • Learn to trace some standard curves.


For Students of other than Science Stream

This course will enable the students to

  • Translate the real word problems through appropriate mathematical


  • Explain the concepts and use equations, formulae and mathematical

expression and relationship in a variety of context.

  • Finding the extreme values of functions.
  • Analyze and demonstrate the mathematical skill require in mathematically intensive areas in economics and business.


B.Sc II Semester , Paper-I (Algebra – II and Calculus – II)

This course will enable the students to

  • Recognize the mathematical objects called Groups.
  • Link the fundamental concepts of groups and symmetries of geometrical objects.


  • Explain the significance of the notions of Cosets, normal subgroups and factor groups.


  • Understand the concept of differentiation and fundamental theorems in differentiation and various rules.


  • Find the extreme values of functions of two variables.


Practical’s on Algebra – II and Calculus – II

This course will enable the students to

  • Learn Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools for computer


  • Solve problem on algebra and calculus by using FOSS software’s.
  • Acquire knowledge of applications of algebra and calculus through FOSS
  • Practical/Lab Work to be performed in Computer Lab.


Suggested Software’s: Maxima/ Scilab/ Maple/ MatLab/ Mathematica /Phython/ R.


OE Mathematics Syllabus:

This course will enable the students to

  • Recognize the mathematical objects called Groups.
  • Link the fundamental concepts of groups and symmetries of

geometrical objects.

  • Explain the significance of the notions of Cosets, normal subgroups and

factor groups.

  • Understand the concept of differentiation and fundamental theorems

in differentiation and various rules.

  • Find the extreme values of functions of two variables.
  • To understand the concepts of multiple integrals and their



For Students of other than Science Stream

This course will enable the students to

  • Integrate concept in international business concept with functioning of global trade.
  • Evaluate the legal, social and economic environment of business.
  • Apply decision-support tools to business decision making.
  • Will be able to apply knowledge of business concepts and functions in an integrated manner.