Dept. of Zoology

Shri. Kashinath B.Desai
M.Sc. B. Ed. K-SET
Email id –
Contact – 9880787211

Shri. Ramesh Pawar
Email id –
Contact – 9148343956

               The Department of Zoology has been initiated in the academic year 2018-19 to equip the students with knowledge necessary skills and orient them towards research in the field of Zoology. The Department offers Zoology as one of the optional subject for B.Sc students. It has Chemistry, Botany and Zoology (CBZ) combinations to the students.


               To make every pupil to understand the basic biological concepts of Evolution, Biodiversity, Adaptation and development. Natural resources and their sustainable uses.


  • To make every students understand the basic concepts of Zoology.
  • To provide a strong foundation and motivation for applying fundamental concepts of Zoology
  • To make students understands the challenges in the field of Biology
  • To create awareness about conservation of flora and fauna
  • To make students application of knowledge to various disciplines like Agriculture, Sericulture, and Dairy, Poultry, Vermiculture, Apiculture and Animal husbandry.


  • To conduct bridge course for new students
  • To conduct Guest lectures / Seminars / Workshops / Study tours
  • To conduct the students seminars
  • To evaluate the students progress from time to time









Mr. K. B. Desai

M.Sc , B.Ed, KSET 

Assistant Prof





Miss R. K. Choudri

M. Sc

Assistant Prof




  • The Department of Zoology organized a special lecture on Importance of Immune System on 30th September 2019. The resource person Prof. Shivanand S. HOD of Zoology, S.S.Arts College and T.P.Science Institute, Sankeshwar. Dr.M.S.Patil, Principal of our College was presided over the function and Shree V.C.Hiremath Chairman of our College gave Inaugural speech.
  • The Department of Zoology organized a special lecture on 5th February 2020. The resource person Prof.K.G.Hiremath Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, M.G.V.C. College, Muddebihal gave a special lecture on Histology and another resource person Prof.R.G.Vastrad. HOD of Zoology, M.G.V.C.College, Muddebihal gave a lecture on Cell Biology.
  • On 16th September 2020 World Ozone Day was celebrated in association with Botany and Chemistry Department.
  • On 1st March 2021 National Science Day was celebrated with the chief guest Prof. S. B. Goudar President of RUCTA & HOD of Physics B.V.V.S Science college Bagalkot and Dr.S. M. Gaonkarhod of Chemistry and Secretary of RUCTA, IQAC Co-ordinator B.V.V.S College Bagalkot. The function was presided by Dr. M.S. Patil Principal of our College.
  • On 03rd March, 2021 World Wildlife Day was celebrated in association with Dept. of Botany and Eco-Club, Guest Prof. R.V. Jalawadi, HOD of Commerce our college.
  • On 20thMarch, 2021 World Sparrow Day was celebrated.
  • On 05th June, 2021 World Environment Day was celebrated, on this Occasionunder the IQAC Initiative, Departments of Botany, Zoology and Eco-Club had Organized National Level E-Quiz Competition.
  • On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day under the IQAC initiative, Department of Chemistry and Zoology had Organized One Day National Level Webinar “Know Your Blood” On 14th June, 2021. The Resource Person Dr. Rashmi K. Associate Professor and Co-ordinator Dept PG Studies in Applied Zoology Alva’s College, Moodubidire. For this Webinar totally 759 Participants across the countries had registered. E-certificates were issued to the Participants.
  • On 28thJuly 2021 World Nature Conservation Day was celebrated in association with Botany Department and Eco-Club.
  • On 29th July, 2021 International Tigers Day was celebrated.




PO1: Understanding of fundamental knowledge  

Definition, Concept, Principles, Types, Methods, etc…

PO2: Experimental learning methods.

Qualitative analysis, mounting, instrumental handling, demonstration.

PO3: Opportunities

Higher education, competitive exams, Entrepreneurship and job career. 




PSO1: Acquiring basic fundamental parameters.

Definition, concept, Types, Principles, Functions, Lifecycle.

PSO2: Interdisciplinary Courses.

Parasitology, Embryology, Cytology, Oncology, Animal behaviour, Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Applied Zoology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Bioenergetics, Immunology. 

PSO3: Exploring Animal Diversity

Identification of variety of Invertebrate and vertebrate species.

PSO4: Development of designing skills.

Graphs diagrams biological cycles.

PSO5: Ability to Enhance skills 

Making of permanent histological and embryological slides, Staining procedures, Mounting.

PSO6: Awareness to technology

Biotechnology, Nanotechnology.

PSO7: Building applied skills in environmental science.

Bio-conservation, Wild life management.

PSO8: Building research culture

Developmental biology , cell biology, animal physiology, oncology, Endocrinology, parasitology. 

PSO9: Field visit 

Biodiversity, national parks and sanctuary, ecosystem (pond, marine and terrestrial), Biotechnological and Microbiology Equipped Laboratories, diagnostics centre.

PSO10: Part of government sectors.

Forest department, environmental sociologist, competitive exams.

PSO11: Self employment

Sericulture, Apiculture, Aquaculture, Vermiculture, Pest management, Pearl culture, Animal husbandry, Poultry, Biochemist. 


CO1-Student will get knowledge of sericulture.

CO2- Student will earn the knowledge about apiculture.

CO3- Student will learn about Vermiculture.

CO4- Student will learn about aquaculture.

CO5- Student will learn about the animal husbandry.


PCO1- Student will prepare a project on one of the applied branch studied in theory.

PCO2- Student will learn about the mulberry silkworm and life cycle.

PCO3- Student will learn about the non mulberry silk worm and diseases.

PCO4- Student will learn about species and castes of honey bee.

PCO5- Student will get the knowledge about agriculture pest and domestic pest.

PCO6- Student will learn about fisheries.

PCO7- Student will learn about variety of cow and buffaloes.

PCO8- Student will learn about the vermiculture.

PCO9- Student will learn about the poultry breeds.


CO1- Student will learn about the microbiology.

CO2- Student will learn the knowledge of Nanotechnology.

CO3- Student will understand the concept of bioinformatics.

CO4- Student will learn about the methods in biology.

CO5- Student will learn about research methodology.


PCO1- Student will learn about the micrometry.

PCO2- Student will prepare the liquid broth.

PCO3- Student will prepare the solid media.

PCO4- Student will prepare the agar slants.

PCO5- Student will study the different bacteria virus and fungi causing diseases in man.

PCO6- Student will learn about the bacterial cell counting using the haemocytometer.

PCO7- Student will study the simple and gram staining differentiation of bacteria.

PCO8- Student will study about the isolation and identification and enumeration of bacteria/ protozoa from moist soil or sewage water.

PCO9- Student will study the practical application of bioinformatics.

PCO10- Student will study the microbiological lab equipments.

CBCS Based:

B.Sc Ist Semester (Animal Diversity-THEORY)        

CO1: Student will learn about general characters and classification and example of kingdom Protista, Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria, Phylum Platyhelminthes and Phylum Nemathelminthes.

CO2: Student will learn about general characters, classification and example of Phylum Annelida, Phylum Arthropoda, Phylum Mollusca and Phylum Echinodermata.

CO3: Student will learn about general features of Phylum Chordata, Agnatha and Gnathostomata, Pisces, Amphibia and Reptiles.

CO4: Student will learn about General features and Sailent features of Aves, Mammals.

B.Sc Ist Semester (Animal Diversity-PRACTICAL)

PCO1: Student will learn about making use of permanent slides/specimens example unicellular and cellular grade organized animals etc.

PCO2: Student will learn about Mounting of setae, blood glands, nephridia in Earthworm.

PCO3: Student will learn about Mounting mouth partsof honeybee, cockroach, housefly, mosquitoes.

PCO4: Student will learn about Mounting of brain in fowl/rat.

B.Sc IInd Semester (Anatomy Developmental Biology of Vertebrates-THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Integument in different classes of chordates, skeletal system and Digestive System.

CO2: Student will learn about Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Nervous System.

CO3: Student will learn about Early Embryonic Development.

CO4: Student will learn about Early Development of chick.

B.Sc IInd Semester (Anatomy Developmental Biology of Vertebrates-PRACTICAL)

PCO1: Student will learn about osteology:Disarticulated skeleton of frog and rabbit.

PCO2: Student will learn about Comparative study of girdles.

PCO3: Student will learn about Comparative account of heart and brain in different vertebrates.

PCO4: Student will learn about Embryology.

PCO5: Student will learn about Chick embryo mounting.

B.Sc IIIrd Semester (Physiology, Biochemistry and Histology-THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Digestion, Respiration and Excretion.

CO2: Student will learn about Circulation: Composition of blood, Hemostasis, Structure of heart.

CO3: Student will learn about Lipid Metabolism, Protein Metabolism and Enzymes.

CO4: Student will learn about Structure and Histology of Nerve and Muscle.

B.Sc IIIrd Semester (Physiology, Biochemistry and Histology-PRACTICAL)

PCO1: Student will learn about Preparation of hemin crystals.

PCO2: Student will learn about Study of permanent histological section of mammalian, salivary gland, and pancreas.

PCO3: Student will learn about Qualitative test of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids.

PCO4: Student will learn about activity of salivary amylase under optimum conditions.

PCO5: Student will learn about Preparation of permanent histological slides.

B.Sc IIIrd Semester Skill Enhancement Course (Medical Diagnostics-THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Importance Diagnostic methods used for analysis of blood and Diagnostic Methods used for Urine analysis.

CO2: Student will learn about Non-infectious Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Tumors and Syndrome.

B.Sc IVth Semester (Genetics and Evolutionary Biology-THEORY)

CO1: Student will Study about Introduction to Genetics, Mendelian Genetics and Linkage, Crossing over and Chromosomal Mapping.

CO2: Student will learn about Mutations, Sex Determination and Introduction to Evolutionary Theories.

CO3: Student will learn about Origin of life, Evidence in favor of organic evolution and Process of Evolutionary Change.

CO4: Student will learn about Species Concept, Macro-evolution and direct evidence of Evolution.

B.Sc IVth Semester (Genetics and Evolutionary Biology-PRACTICAL)

PCO1: Student will study about Mendelian Inheritance and gene interaction.

PCO2: Student will learn about Linkage, recombination.

PCO3: Student will learn about Human Karyotype and Study of fossil.

PCO4: Student will learn about Evolution of horse and Darwin’s Finches with diagrams.

PCO5: Student will learn about Preparation of salivary gland chromosomes.

B.Sc IVth Semester Skill Enhancement Course (Aquarium fish keeping-THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Introduction to Aquarium Fish Keeping, Biology of Aquarium Fishes and Food and feeding of Aquarium fishes.

CO2: Student will learn about Fish Transportation, Maintenance of Aquarium and Aquarium design, Construction and Preparation.

NEP Based

B.Sc Ist Semester (Cytology, Genetics and Infectious Diseases – THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Structure and Function of Cell Organelles I in Animal cell and Structure and Function of Cell Organelles II in Animal Cell.

CO2: Student will learn about Nucleus and Chromatin Structure, Cell cycle, Cell Division and Cell Signaling.

CO3: Student will learn about Mendelism and Sex Determination and Extension of Mendelism, Genes and Environment.

CO4: Student will learn about Human Chromosomes and Patterns of inheritance and Infectious Diseases.

B.Sc Ist Semester (Cytology, Genetics and Infectious Diseases- PRACTICAL)

PCO1: Student will learn about Understanding of simple and compound microscopes.

PCO2: Student will learn about different cell types such as buccal epithelial cells, neurons, striated muscle cells using Methylene blue.

PCO3: Student will learn about different stages of Mitosis in root tip of Allium cepa.

PCO4: Student will learn about different stages of Meiosis in grasshopper testis.

PCO5: Student will learn about Parasites in humans and Mutant phenotypes of Drosophila sp.

 B.Sc Ist Semester Open Elective (Economic Zoology – THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Sericulture and Apiculture.

CO2: Student will learn about Live Stock Management (Dairy, Poultry and Aquaculture).

CO3: Student will learn about Fish culture, Prawn culture, Vermiculture and Lac culture.

B.Sc IInd Semester (Biochemistry and Physiology – THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about Structure and Function of Biomolecules and Classification and General Properties of alpha amino acids.

CO2: Student will learn about Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleotides.

CO3: Student will learn about Digestion, Respiration, Circulation and Excretion in humans.

CO4: Student will learn about Nervous System, Endocrinology and Muscular System in humans.

B.Sc IInd Semester (Biochemistry and Physiology – PRACTICAL)

PCO1: Student will study about Preparation of models of nitrogen bases, amino acids, dipeptides, DNA and RNA.

PCO2: Student will learn about Qualitative analysis of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids and Nitrogenous wastes.

PCO3: Student will learn about estimation of Hemoglobin in human blood using Sahli’shaemoglobinometer.

PCO4: Student will learn about countimg of RBC and WBC using Hemocytometer.

PCO5: Student will learn about differential staining of human blood corpuscles using Leishman stain.

B.Sc IInd Semester Open Elective ( Parasitology– THEORY)

CO1: Student will learn about general concepts of parasites, Parasitic Platyhelminthes and Parasitic Protists.

CO2: Student will learn about Parasitic Nematodes, Parasitic Arthropods and Parasitic Vertebrates.

CO3: Student will learn about Molecular diagnosis and clinical parasitology.