National Cadet Corps is a Tri- Organization Comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force engaged in Grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. A committee headed by Pandit H.N. Kunzru recommended a cadet organization to be established in Schools and Colleges at a National Cadet Corps Act 1948 was accepted by the Governor General and on 15th July 1948 the National Cadet Corps came into existence.

CTO NCC Officer
Photo Gallery
- To develop the qualities of leadership, character, comradeship, secular outlook, spirit of sportsmanship and ideals of services.
- To create a force of disciplined and trained man power this in a national emergency could be of greater assistance to the country.
- To provide training for students with view to develop them officer like qualities, thus also making them to obtain commission in the armed forces.
The aims are achieved through two types of Training/activities. They are as bellow:

Institutional Training
It is carried out as weekly parades at the college ground on every Thursday and Friday from 1-30 pm to 3-30pm. The attendance of the cadets is above 90%.

Camp Training
It is organized at different hierarchy to impart collective practical training in different subjects to the cadets to develop their imitative self confidence and leadership qualities.
DG's four Cardinal Principles of Discipline
- Obey with a smile
- Be Punctual
- Work hard and without fuss
- Make no excuses and tell no lies
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) has its genesis in the University Corps, which was created under the Defense Act, 1917 with the object to make up the shortage of the Army. In 1920, when the Indian Territorial Act was passed, the University Corps was replaced by the University Training Corps (UTC) in 1942, the UTC was renamed as the University Officers Training Corps (UOTC). The need to create a youth organization at National level to train the young boys and girls to be better citizens and future leaders of our great country in all walks of life, including Defence forces, was rightly realized by our leaders. A Committee under Pandit H.N. Kunzru was set up in 1946 at the behest of our first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The NCC came into existence on 16th July, 1948 under the NCC Act XXXVI of 1948 under the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
NCC Motto
The Motto of the NCC is 'UNITY AND DISCIPLINE' which was adopted on 23 Dec 1957.
Selection of NCC Flag
In 1954 the existing tricolor flag was introduced. The three colors in the flag depict the three Services of the Corps, Red for the Army, Deep Blue for the Navy and Light Blue for the Air Force. The letters NCC and the NCC crest in gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colorful look and a distinct identity. Each lotus represents one NCC Directorate(Dte).
"I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Corps. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly. We the cadet of the National Cadet Corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizen of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings"
- RDC: Republic Day Camp
- TSC: Thal Sainik Camp
- AAC: Army Attachment Camp
- ATC: Annual Training Camp
- BLC: Basic leadership camp
- CATC: Combined Annual Training Camp
- IGC: Inter Group Camp
- NIC: National Integration Camp
- RCC: Rock Climbing Camp
- SNIC: Special National Integration Camp
- VSC: Vayu Sainik Camp
- NSC: Nau Sainik Camp
Activities Done During Camps
- Drill
- Cross Country
- Yoga
- Physical Training
- Weapon Training
- Games
- General Awareness Lectures
- Camp Fire
- Cultural Activities
- Map Reading
- Field Craft & Battle Craft
Senior Division and Senior Wing:
- 'C'-Certificate is the highest recognition of training and qualification of a Senior NCC cadet
- 'B'-Certificate is the initial recognition of training and qualification of a Senior NCC cadet.
College Details
A unit has been started from Aug 1980, by 53 cadets and sanctioned by 36 KAR BN NCC, strength of 53. The NCC unit of V. V. Sangha’s S K College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Talikoti-586214 ‘B’ GROUP" in the Karnataka & Goa Directorate, Vijapur. Every year 53 Cadets are on enrol in this unit with Asst. Prof. Sri. Raghavendra V Miskin as the Caretaker Officer (CTO).
Training and Other Activities:
Regular activities like Drill, Rifile Drill, Map Reading, Weapon Training, Field Craft and Battle Craft etc, are being imparted to the cadets as per the syllabus framed by NCC Directorate, Vijapur.
Anti Drug Rally, Swachcha Bharath Abhiyan, Yoga, Independence Day, Republic Day, Kargil Vijaya Diwas, Road Safety Rally, Blood Donation, Army Awareness, NCC Inter collegiate competition and NCC Day celebration are the other programs conducted by SFGC, NCC 36KAR BN, Vijapur, in which our cadets will take an activities role.
Our NCC wing is an infantry unit under 7 Karnataka Battalion NCC. Through NCC, we aim to Groom our students into models of discipline and patriotism. Develop in them character, commandership, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and selfless service. Transform them into trained and motivated human resource who will lead the nation in all walks of life.
Motivate them to join the armed forces and serve the nation. We provide equal opportunity to boys and girls to join NCC, take part in all its activities, which include, besides regular parades and camps, community development and social service programmes, training for assisting civil defence authorities in rescue work in war zones and natural calamities and traffic control. Our students are encouraged to join the NCC and thereby enhance their career potential and take advantage of preferential consideration in defence as well as civil recruitment.
Since 44 years National Cadet Corps is working towards inculcating Patriotism and discipline among the students.
NCC Officer List:
Sl.No |
Name of the Officer |
Designation |
Year |
1 |
Dr. B.S.Patil |
Asst. Prof |
1980-1984 |
2 |
Maj. H.B.Padaganur |
Asst. Prof |
1985-2009 |
3 |
Lt. D.B. Mugadalimath |
Phy. Dir |
2009-2021 |
4 |
CTO .R. V. Miskin |
Asst. Prof |
2021- |
Senior Under Officer V.M.PATIL attended the RD Camp.
2017 Republic Day Parade at New
2014 Republic Day Parade at New
CDT Paramanna Devadi Won Bronze Medal for shooting in 2015 All India TSC Camp Held at Delhi
National Level Trekking Camp AT BUDHAGAYA 2013
Ncc activities in 2016-17
- Kethan Ganachari Participated in Republic Day parade.
- NCC cadets participated in National level Hand Ball competition held at New Delhi.
- 21-06-2016 International Yoga Day was Observed
- On 15-08-2016 Independence Day celebrated.
- 19-08-2016 Under Swatch Bharat Abiyan Community Health Centre and Police Station Ground Cleaned
- Tree Plantation Drive at Public Garden and Police Ground
- Digital Economy Campaign.
- AIDS Awareness Campaign 21-01-2017
- Our Unit has participated in various activities organized by Red Ribbon Club & District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit
Ncc activities in 2017-18
- International Yoga Day on 21-6-2017, with many special events being organized with daily activities such as Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Republic Day celebrations etc.
- Shweta Mathpati and Miss Shilpa Pujari were participated in National Integration Camp held at Moodabidri, Karnataka from 15-25 Sept, 2017.
- On July 28-7-2017 15 cadets donated blood in the Blood Donation Camp organised by Doctor’s Association, Talikoti.
- Constitutional Sculptor Dr. BR Ambedkar’s 126th Jayanthi program was organized by the Diabetes and Blood Pressure Testing Camp in collaboration with the local community centre.
- On 2-10-2017, a planting program was held in collaboration with the NSS unit on the occasion of Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastri’s Jayanti
- Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi was celebrated on 12-1-2018.
- AIDS Awareness Workshop was held on 31-3-2018.
- World Health Day was celebrated on 7-4-2018
Ncc activities in 2018-19
- Yoga Day on 21-6- 2018, with daily regular activities such as Independence Day, Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti, Kannada Rajyotsava, and Republic Day Celebration, AIDS Awareness programme, tree plantation, Polio eradication Programme etc. and Most of the periods were conducted in college campus.
- NCC cadets participated in different Camps at state level.
- 29-9-2018 The Parakrama Parva day was celebrated. 36 Battalion Vijayapur Subedar G.B.Khati arrived as guests.
- On 10-10-2018 the Swchcha Bharat Jatha was held in association with the local municipality.
- : 9-2-2019 The 30th National Road Safety Week was celebrated in collaboration with the local police station. Mr Govindgowda Patil, PSI of Talikoti, conveyed the rules of safe traffic.
Ncc activities in 2019-20
- International Yoga Day-A week long yoga camp was organized on 21-06-2019 (21-27 June 2019)
- Speech competition on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Divas 26-07-2019.
- 18 cadets participated in 12 days CATC camp held at Vijayapur.
- 21-Jun-2019 NCC units organised International Yoga Day, mass Yogasana was performed by students and Staff members. Total No. of Students participated in the event were 60.
- 15-Aug-2019 Independent day celebration organised in college. 50 Cadets were participated in the function.
- 22-Aug-2019 NCC units organized “Like Skill Training ” programme in association with Yuva Spandan Centre Youth Empowerment and Dept. of Sports, Vijayapur.
- On 02/10/2019 Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahaddur Shastri Jayanti was celebrated.
- On 1-12-2019 AIDS day was organised
- On 13-1-2020 Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was Celebrated.
- On 23rd & 24th Jan 2020 was organized Free Eye Checkup Camp in association with Anugraha Eye Hospital, Vijayapur.
- On 26/1/2020 Republic day was celebrated in the college.
Ncc activities in 2020-21
- “COVID-19 Test Camp” was organized on 12/11/2020 in association with YRC, NSS, Covid-19 Cell & Taluk Health Office Talikoti.
- “Indian Army Day” was organized on Topic “Role of Army in Nation” in association with department of Hindi on 15-01-2021.
- “33rd Road Safety week” was organized on 28-01-2021 in Association with NSS and YRC and with Police Department, Talikoti.
- “Quiz & Debate Competition” was organized on 11/02/2021 in association with YRC, NSS, Covid-19 Cell, Taluk Health Office Talikoti & Taluk Health Center Muddebihal.
- One Day State Level Webinar on “Yoga for Health” was organized on June 21st, 2021 on account of “International Yoga Day” in association with Department of Sports, YRC and NSS.
- One Day State Level “ Online Awareness Program for the Students” Organized on June 26th , 2021 on account of “International Drug Abuse Day” in association with YRC and NSS Units.
- “5 Days Covid-19 Vaccination Drive” was held from 28-06-2021 to 02-07-2021 in association with NSS, YRC, Covid-19 Cell and Community Health Centre Talikoti.
- “National Level Online Quiz” was organized on 26-07-2021 in association with NSS, YRC, Cultural and Sports Department on account of Kargil Vijay Diwas
- “Patriotic Songs in Hindi Competition” was held on 10-8-2021 in Association with Dept. of Hindi and NSS on account of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav @75.
- “Cycle Rally” was organized on 14-08-2021 in Association with NSS, YRC, and Dept. of Sports on account of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav @75.
- One Day workshop on “An Outlook of Freedom Struggle” on 14-08-2021 in Association with NSS,YRC and Dept. of Sports on account of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav @75.
- Debate Competition was organized on 26-08-2021 in association with NSS, Women Empowerment Cell and Equal Opportunity Cell on account of Amrit mahostav @75.
List of The CDT’s Attended Inter Bn Camps
List of The Awards of NCC Officer – Lt D. B. Mugadlimath
Strength of The Cadets for the Year 2015-16
Our NCC cadets hold important positions in police department, education department and in Indian army.
The NCC unit thanks the Principal, Bn Commanding Officer Viijayapur local police department, health department, Indian red cross association, teaching and Non-teaching staff for their co-operation in conducting NCC activities throughout the year.