The famous quote said by Jean Henry Dunant “By Thy power, let there be peace, O God!” after witnessing the battle Solferino, lead to the formation of Red Cross Society. Every tree grows from a small seed likewise the Red Cross society grown like a tree in stages. Initially an International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was formed to serve throughout the world to protect and assist victims of armed conflicts and strife.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is an international humanitarian organization with a unique worldwide network. It is a federation of all National Societies recognized by ICRC. IFRC commands an immense potential because it can mobilize local volunteers through National Society world over. It’s mission is to improve the situation of the world’s most vulnerable people and to assist National Societies in their work to promote co-operation between them.
- Humanity
- Impartiality
- Neutrality
- Independence
- Voluntary Service
- Unity
- Universality
The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) was established under the provision of section 8 of the IRCS Act XV of 1920 with its National Head Quarters in New Delhi. The core focus of IRCS is to promote Humanitarian Principles and Values, Disaster Management, Health and Care in Community and Blood Services.
College Principal:
The Principal of the college will function as a friend, philosopher, guide and facilitator, without whom YRC Units will not be able to function.
Programme Officer:
Formation of the Unit, monitoring its performance, helping the Office-bearers to chalk out programmes, maintenance of records / accounts, liaison with District / Joint District Organisers / University Co-ordinator, sending activity reports to State branch / University Co-ordinator.The YRC Programme Officer is expected to motivate the student youth to understand the values and philosophy of YRC. The overall functions of the YRC Programme Officer are to help the students to plan, implement and evaluate the activities of YRC under his/her charge and give proper guidance and directions to the student volunteers.
College YRC Unit:
YRC Unit will be attached to the Colleges. Both male and female students can join YRC. One YRC Unit could consist of 100 Student Volunteers (50 First Year Volunteers + 50 Senior Volunteers) guided by one YRC Programme Officer who will be a faculty member (Teaching Staff). Depending upon the strength of students willing to become YRC volunteers, any number of YRC Units can be started in the colleges. For effective functioning of the college YRC unit, it would be better if YRC unit has a separate room with adequate furniture. A name board for YRC unit with college name, Youth Red Cross, properly drawn (Red Cross emblem is formed from five equal red squares with one red square at the centre and the other four red squares on four sides of the centre square on a white back ground) and YRC Unit No. as shown may be prepared and put at the college main gate. YRC Unit No. will be given by YRC HQ (State branch) on submission of pro-forma and registration fee. A Red Cross flag, the photo of Jean Henry Dunant, Father of Red Cross Movement and Red Cross badges for the YRC volunteers should be obtained (from the YRC HQ). Red Cross apron, Red Cross Cap or arm band, will be useful for identification and protection of the YRC volunteers while they are in action. These may be prepared locally as per the design approved by the YRC HQ. In any YRC function in the college level the Red Cross flag will be hoisted in the presence of VIPs, by a VIP and the assembled YRC Volunteers will sing the YRC song. One of the items of the function will be the unveiling / garlanding the photo of Jean Henry Dunant.
YRC Programme Officer’s Pledge:
As a Programme Officer of Youth Red Cross, I promise to serve, to work loyally for the promotion of health and the relief of suffering and distress, wherever I may find it and to hold in friendship youth of all Nations.
YRC Member Pledge:
I pledge myself to care my own health and that of others, to help the sick and suffering specially children and to look upon the youth all over the world as my friends.
- Shri R. V. Jalawadi (Principal) : Chairman
- Dr. A. A. Abbar (Pro-Officer) : Vice-Chairman
- Smt L. N. Goudar (Staff) : Member
- Shrishail Hugar (Std Chairman) : Member
- Kalpana Kattimani (Std Secretary) : Member
Youth Red Cross Activities
1) The promotion of health.
2) Health activities, HIV and AIDS campaigns, accident prevention and first aid.
3) Service to the community.
4) Community based social welfare activities, environmental activities, disaster preparedness programme.
5) Informing Youth members and others the role and the responsibilities of the Red Cross and encourage them to contribute.
6) Dissemination of information about the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, its Fundamental Principles, four Geneva Conventions, and emblem awareness use and the promotion of understanding of International Humanitarian La (IHL).
Some important days that may be celebrated as Youth Red Cross programme
12 January : Youth Day (India)
4 February : World Cancer Day
16 March : World Immunization Day
22 March : World Water Day
24 March : World TB Day
7 April : World Health Day
22 April : World Earth Day
25 April : World Malaria Day
3 May : World Asthma Day
8 May : World Red Cross Red Crescent Day
31 May : World No Tobacco Day
5 June : World Environmental Day
14 June : World Blood Donor Day
26 June : International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking
11 July : World Population Day
12 August : International Youth Day / Anniversary of the Geneva
5 Sept : Teachers Day
8 Sept : World Literacy Day
10 Sept : World Suicide Prevention Day
29 Sept : World Heart Day
1 October : National Voluntary Blood Donation Day
2 October : National Day for Disaster Reduction
13 October : International Day for Disaster Reduction
16 October : World Food Day
7 Nov : National Cancer Awareness Day
14 Nov : World Diabetes Day
16 Nov : World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
25 Nov : International Day for the Elimination of violence against women
1 Dec : World AIDS Day
2 Dec : World Disabled Day
5 Dec : International Volunteers Day 10 December : National Pulse Polio Day
- Enrolment register of volunteers
- Cash register
- Attendance register for volunteers
- Annual Reports
- Minutes book
- Visitors book
- Blood Donors directory